Graduated from the Institute of Technology of Bandung (ITB);1963
Arnold Ph. Djiwatampu, is the founder and the President ofPT.Tiara Titian Telekomunikasi (TT-Tel), 1995, One of TT-Tel’s achievement: design of the 35,000 km High Capacity FO Backbone – PALAPA RING, connecting 450 Districts, Roadmap for Telecommunication Industry, concepts for the National Satellite Development and the Frequency Utilization Right Fee.
He was elected by the Plenipotentiary Conference (PP) of ITU (International Telecommunication Union) as the first Director of the BDT (Bureau for Telecommunications Development), Geneva, 1993-94. Earlier, elected Chairman of the ITU Council, 1989-91, and masterminded Indonesia and developing countries the controversial restructuring of the ITU, then adopted by PP-1992. As the first Director of the Bureau for Telecommunication Development (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), he had laid down the ground rules for a pro-active private participation in the Telecommunication Bureau for Development or BDT activities, 1993-94;
He has the responsibilities as appears below,
Advices the Directorate General of Posts and Telecommunications interalia on telecommunication legal regulations and frequency management, as well as assisting them in preparing the Indonesian delegation to World Radio Conferences and related Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) meetings since 1995 up to now;
Assisted in providing a business plan for TELKOM, and provided support to private multinational companies on international frequency allocations (Teledesic, Iridium, Motorola. etc);
Prepared a Draft Master Plan for the Ministry for Tourism, Posts and Telecommunications concerning the Policy and the Regulatory Framework for Telecommunications by Satellite;
Assists multi-national GMPCS companies in obtaining international frequency allocations at international forums of ITU, providing advice on Sector Policy and Regulatory issues, and assisting them in obtaining their licenses in Indonesia;
Provided private national and joint venture telecommunication companies with studies and field surveys. A concept has been prepared for PT. Telecom Netherlands concerning “Contract Management” cooperation between PT. TELKOM and national companies (including foreign partnership);
Provided market survey studies for multinational information companies, interalia on the telecommunication market potential and more specific studies on certain cellular systems and call centers. A draft Market Study on “Indonesia Telecom – An Industry and Market Analysis” had been provided to DATAPRO – a subsidiary of McGraw Hill; 1997;
Participating and leading many Indonesian delegations to various Conferences and Meetings at ITU, INTELSAT, APT (Asia Pacific Telecommunity), APEC-Tel and other forums, 1978-92;
He was Program Manager of the first PALAPA Domestic Communication Satellite PERUMTEL the former public telecommunication monopoly, 1975-77;
He is lecturer on Regulatory Aspects and International Bodies for the Telecommunication Graduates Programme of the University of Indonesia (UI); 1997-2012.
Involvement in IEEE:
As Member of IEEE since 1978, initiated the establishment of IEEE Indonesia Section in 1987, Senior Member since 1985, Life Senior Member since 2009, and Chair of IEEE Indonesia Section, 2009-2010, presently member of the Section Advisory Board.
IEEE Communications Society Award for Public Service in the Field of Telecommunications, 2017
Lifetime Achievement for Services in the Telecommunication World from MCIT, 2008
Palapa Noble Service (Adikarya Palapa) and Patrawahana Noble Service (Adikarya Patrawahana) Awards, MCIT, 2003
National Development Medal (Satya Lencana Pembangunan), from the Government, 1995
ITU Silver Medal (Highest honor of ITU), 1991