Support PT. SMI in accompanying Kemkominfo, in this case implementing and financing management infocom agency (BP3TI), as the Responsible Cooperation Development Cooperation Project (PJPK) between the Government and Business Entities (KPBU) for the Palapa Ring Fiber Optic Backbone National Network, 2016 ;
Consultant for Motorola Solution, Inc, 2014 until now;
Goverment Agencies. Providing Studies and Concept For the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KemKominfo) Since 2005, interalia on: Radio Frequency Measurement Methodology, 2012; Formulation of Radio Transmission Specification Technique, 2012; Long Range Identification Tracking (LRTI) Tool and Device, 2011; Formulation of Radio Access Technical Specification, 2010; Mandatory Implementation on National Standardization of Indonesia (SNI) for Telecommunication Equipments, 2008; Frequency Operational Right Fee (BHP Frekuensi), 2007; Next Generation Network (NGN) Implementation, 2007; Master Plan For USO, 2006; Roadmap For Telecommunication Industry, 2006; Government Policies/Regulations on the Development of Telecommunications Backbone Network in Indonesia, 2006; Macro Design of the PALAPA 02 RING, 2005; Technical Telecommunication Infrastructures Architectural Standards for Next Generation Network (NGN), 2005; Radiocommunication Spectrum Frequency Policy for Global Frequency Planning related to National Interests, 2005; Draft Master Plan on the Government Policy on Telecommunications by Satellite, of the Department of Tourism, Posts and Telecommunications (MTPT) of Indonesia (presently KemKominfo), 1999;
Providing assistance to the Directorate for Frequency Management for the concept and recommendations for the improvement of the National Frequency Allocation Plan and Utilization, 1995 – present;
Companies. Prepare a study and draft regulation for PT. Telecom Netherlands on the practical application of “Contract Management” – a framework for cooperation between the Organizing Body (e.g. TELKOM) and a private company in accordance with the stipulation of Ministerial Degree No. KM.39/KS.002/MPPT-93for submission to the concerned authorities for, 1998; Formalization of Telkom Group (PT TELKOM Indonesia and its affiliates) Policy Guidance for Telecommunication Business Development Positioning Towards Convergence, 2011;
Provide a regulatory concept for Dimhart & Associates Consulting Company in preparing a new interface policy and regulatory framework for PT. INDOSAT in obtaining a more economical access to and from the national network provided by PT. TELKOM, 1995;